[SVN] working setup for bundle committers?

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Sun Nov 27 22:06:10 UTC 2005

On 27/11/2005, at 22:15, Paul Bissex wrote:

> while my edits write themselves to the default location:
>   ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/
> [...] I'm picking through it all now, but any suggestions for a better
> system are welcome!

You could make symbolic links from ~/Library -> /Library for the  
bundles you plan to submit, that way, TextMate will place the changes  
in /Library.

I guess a few also just have the checkout in ~/Library. When I write  
(everywhere) that people should do the checkout to /Library, it's  
mainly so that they can easily wipe the bundle checkout (which is  
generally the first thing I suggest when people report problems with  
bundle stuff :) ).

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