[SVN] Revision 1101 (Python)

Jeroen van der Ham jeroen at je-ju.net
Sat May 28 14:17:12 UTC 2005

- Updated Python syntax to the new naming standard and did some spring cleaning and optimising here and there.
Known bug: single-quoted strings that last multiple lines are matched, even when lines do not end in \ (which they have to, for it to be correct Python)

- Added save of current file to the Python command and changed to comment to reflect what it really does (i.e. run python on current file, not buffer)

- Updated iPlastic theme to the new naming standard
(This will probably break highlighting in other languages)

U   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Commands/Python.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Python.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/info.plist
U   trunk/Settings/Python Theme.tmScopeSettings
U   trunk/Settings/iPlastic colors.tmScopeSettings

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