[SVN] scope and naming elements

Eric Hsu ehsu at betterfilecabinet.com
Mon May 16 05:54:16 UTC 2005

On May 15, 2005, at 9:38 PM, Chris Thomas wrote:
>> Or does scope handle everything?
> I've also been wondering about this lately. Seems to me that scope  
> should handle anything interesting. Although the shorthand  
> ("comment.line.perl" vs "source.perl comment.line") is convenient,  
> I don't think it's worth cluttering the language files.

Well, if I set my theme to style comment.line, and the Perl.tmbundle  
has a comment.line entry, then shouldn't a parsed item in a perl file  
be colored and parsed correctly? What technical purpose does the  
final .perl serve? Or do we read scope from it (that would be weird...)?

Basically, I don't understand how in the new scheme the language  
element name hierarchy interacts with scope. I doubly don't  
understand how nested languages act. I don't have strong feelings  
about it... I just want to be cooperative.

- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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