[SVN] scope and naming elements

Chris Thomas chris at cjack.com
Mon May 16 04:38:05 UTC 2005

On May 15, 2005, at 5:21 PM, Eric Hsu wrote:

> hi folks,
> I've been sitting back and hoping the dust will settle on the  
> Naming Language Elements negotiations.  I tried to go back and fix  
> up the Perl bundle names. Actually, they were mostly right, except  
> for some odd kludgy things.
> Basic question: do I still need to end the names with .perl?  E.g.
> comment.line.perl
> or
> comment.line
> Or does scope handle everything?

I've also been wondering about this lately. Seems to me that scope  
should handle anything interesting. Although the shorthand  
("comment.line.perl" vs "source.perl comment.line") is convenient, I  
don't think it's worth cluttering the language files.

I seem to recall adding the language suffixes before I knew how it  
would interact with the scope system -- I wanted to be able to run  
simple tools on the files to do mass conversions. (Or I might be  
hallucinating. Long weekend, much inhaled drywall dust.)


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