[SVN] Improving the Ruby Syntax

Torsten Becker torsten.becker at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 16:37:09 UTC 2005

recently there was some activity on the Ruby Syntax Definition.  I am
using a custom Ruby syntax since my first days using TM. (because the
colors where to heavy for me, it had some errors, it highlights Rails
stuff, I don't need and I wanted some extras)

So because there is some improving work now, I just wanted to ask if
anybody would complain if I merge this things from my own Syntax in
the default one to be able to switch to this one in the future:

* Separating the keywords in 'general keywords' (def, class, etc),
'special values' (true, nil, etc) and 'special methods' (initialize,
attr, raise, etc).  I personally like this separation to see the
difference between true, def and raise, they are all keywords but they
are different IMO.

* Introducing patterns for globals ($*), instance- (@*) and
class-variables (@@*).  with the new CSS-like approach one isn't
forced to highlight them but I, again, like to see them a bit
emphasised (it also should solve the bug, that $1 looks incorrect in

Maybe later:
* Putting the Rails stuff in a Rails specific Syntax (call it 'Rails'
or so) which includes Ruby.

(If nobody says something in the next days, I will treat this as 'yes'
and you are responsible for reverting to the previous version. ;P )


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