[SVN] tiny requests; SVN rocks; public links

Brian Lalor blalor at bravo5.org
Thu Jan 6 11:12:45 UTC 2005

On Jan 6, 2005, at 12:29 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> I'll add to my deployment build script that it does a SVN checkout to 
> get the latest bundles included (so beta versions will use them). But 
> I can also add a tgz “gateway” to the repository/web. I assume most 
> prefer to get bundles in an archive of some sort rather than do 
> checkouts.

I think we should implement tags for TM releases.  That way you aren't 
distributing a bundle that the maintainer hasn't explicitly blessed for 
public consumption (ie. may still contain bugs).  I think automatically 
generating .tgz archives is a must, but I think that should also be 
keyed off of the creation of a tag, rather than just a commit.  I'm 
happy to work up the code for this, if you like.

For bundles to be released with TM (although I'd still prefer to see a 
separate download for bundles separate from the .app bundle...) Allan 
could set a deadline by which we must each tag our bundles with the 
appropriate release number (tm_1.1, tm_1.1.2, etc.) and if we fail to 
meet that deadline, the last-tagged version will be taken.

For bundles that the maintainers want to release independently (an 
upgrade to the one that shipped with the last release, for example) we 
could key on another tag "special" format.

Does that sound like something worth persuing?

> I probably won't look into this before next week, but if anyone wants 
> to write a script to present the bundles with a nicer HTML front end 
> with revision number of the bundle/date of last change/change log/link 
> to tgz archive etc. then I'll gladly install it at macromates.com.

I've been wanting to look at implementing an XSL template for 
presentation of the svn repository to a browser (a la trac[1], or 
perhaps trac itself?), but I'm not sure this will provide everything 
you describe here.  I'll look into it, but if someone wants to dive 
right in, go right ahead. :-)

[1] http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/

    __   ____
   / /  / __/ Brian Lalor
  / _ \/__ \  blalor at bravo5.org
/_.__/____/  http://bravo5.org/

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