[SVN] Bundle commit 382

Chris Thomas chris at cjack.com
Mon Feb 28 05:13:32 UTC 2005

Yup. I got used to working on the bleeding edge a long time ago. 
Apple's developers -- and some of the executives, at least at one time 
-- live on prerelease builds of the OS, and they cherry-pick the builds 
for developer seed, so the builds tend to be pretty stable, especially 
compared to, say, beta versions of System 7.x. The problems, especially 
late in the build series, tend to be annoyances more than showstopper 

Do I advocate anyone else do it? No. :) Professional driver on closed 
course, do not attempt at home.


On Feb 27, 2005, at 8:30 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

> Waitasec, you're telling me that you're using a dev seed OS as your 
> primary working OS? What are you, nuts?
> On Feb 27, 2005, at 10:03 PM, Chris Thomas wrote:
>>> To get 1.8 you have to install it yourself (and there's no reason 
>>> to install over the 1.6 install).
>> Or you could buy into the ADC seeding program and be running a 
>> developer seed of a newer OS version. :)

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