[SVN] Bundle commit 321

Kevin Ballard kevin at sb.org
Mon Feb 21 04:40:52 UTC 2005

On Feb 20, 2005, at 1:22 PM, Eric Hsu wrote:

>>> Why not just check the return code of `open', and if it's non-zero 
>>> (it returns 1 when it can't find the specified app), strip the 
>>> "Professional" and try again.
>> Actually, here's a better idea. Use 
>> ${TM_OPML_APPLICATION:=OmniOutliner} (or OmniOutliner Professional) 
>> and users can override it just by setting that env var instead of 
>> editing the command. This has the benefit of letting other 
>> OPML-reading apps be used instead.
> I like the idea behind both these fixes, but is it really easier to 
> set the shell variable than to just change the command itself?  I 
> think the first idea makes more sense.

I certainly don't want to edit the commands if I don't have to, since 
I'm using a checkout of the repo trunk as my Bundles dir and I'd rather 
not sit there with unmodified changes (or accidentally commit changes 
that don't belong).

Kevin Ballard
kevin at sb.org
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