[SVN] Bundle commit 321

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Sun Feb 20 18:22:07 UTC 2005

At 10:55 AM -0500 2/20/05, Kevin Ballard wrote:
>>>You are quite correct from a UI standpoint... but I figured the 
>>>time it would take me to figure out how to do it might exceed the 
>>>total time of all people changing the command themselves to suit 
>>>their version of OO.  :)
>>Why not just check the return code of `open', and if it's non-zero 
>>(it returns 1 when it can't find the specified app), strip the 
>>"Professional" and try again.
>Actually, here's a better idea. Use 
>${TM_OPML_APPLICATION:=OmniOutliner} (or OmniOutliner Professional) 
>and users can override it just by setting that env var instead of 
>editing the command. This has the benefit of letting other 
>OPML-reading apps be used instead.

I like the idea behind both these fixes, but is it really easier to 
set the shell variable than to just change the command itself?  I 
think the first idea makes more sense.

I guess there are other OPML readers, but OO is the most egregious in 
not supporting a 'paste tabbed text as outline' command. If they were 
as responsive as Allan (or that guy writing TAO), the command would 
exist in the next week, and the need for this command would be much 
less.  :)

best, Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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