[SVN] Revision 1612 (ImageBrowser)
Allan Odgaard
allan at macromates.com
Thu Aug 25 21:05:51 UTC 2005
On 25/08/2005, at 22.35, textmate at mac.com wrote:
> AFAICT, TM's Drag Commands rely on *files* being dragged onto the
> document, and not strings containing filepaths, as in the case above.
Yes, it's extension based, so it wouldn't work.
I hoped that with Tiger I could switch to universal type identifiers
(UTI's), and just make this a new activation method (for any bundle
item) -- but so far I have a few unresolved issues with that system
(mainly about the drag payload), though the real deal-breaker is that
the UTI system seems to be buggy (as in, the system answers negative
when asked if a dragged URL (NSURLPboardType) conforms to public.url).
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