[SVN] Revision 1612 (ImageBrowser)

textmate at mac.com textmate at mac.com
Thu Aug 25 20:35:12 UTC 2005

On 25 Aug 2005, at 17:04, Brad Miller wrote:

> It would be great if I could drag an image into Latex or HTML and  
> have it add the appropriate tags similar to the existing drag and  
> drop image commands in the Latex and HTML bundles.

Wouldn't it just? :-)

Unfortunately, when you drag an image from the browser, what is  
actually "dragged" is either an internal TM reference (something  
along the lines of "tm-internal://local/11.html#"), or the "file://"  
URL of the image, depending on whether you drag the thumbnail or the  
preview, respectively.

AFAICT, TM's Drag Commands rely on *files* being dragged onto the  
document, and not strings containing filepaths, as in the case above.

Anyway, I'm gonna try a few ideas to get this working (I would like  
this too). If anyone (Allan?) has any suggestions as to how to do  
this, please chime in.

Cheers for the comments,


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