[SVN] Revision 1584 (SQL)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Fri Aug 19 17:59:35 UTC 2005

On 19/08/2005, at 19.31, Kumar McMillan wrote:

>> You should not put language specific stuff in the general support
>> folder!
> well it's not really language-specific.  the only thing specific to
> SQL is the discard pattern (strip -- comments) and that is handled in
> the command.  If you want I can remove it from general support until
> someone else wants to use it in another bundle?

Yeah, I don't really want it in the general support folder before  
there's a proven need for it.

Also, I may be overlooking something, but I think your script can be  
reduced to this shell command:

    tr -s '[ \t\n]' ' '

It collapses all sequences of spaces, tabs, and newlines into a  
single space.

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