[SVN] LaTeX notes, r720

Robert Ullrey robert_ullrey at mac.com
Mon Apr 25 18:00:29 UTC 2005

On Apr 25, 2005, at 10:52 AM, Eric Hsu wrote:

> 2. The new localhost workaround for PDFLaTeX seems to require Apache  
> to be running. I don't have an issue with that personally, but I  
> wonder about its suitability for broader use.  On the other hand, I  
> love it that we can call dynamic scripts from the HTML preview window  
> by previewing a file, FILE, with the text  
> "<script>window.location='http://localhost/cgi-bin/k12/index.cgi'</ 
> script>". That's got to be good for some cool tricks...

I am running apache 2, so not Apple's so the new workaround works great  
for me. However I can see Eric's point. I wonder if using a Ruby on  
Rails server or even a little python server would provide to support  
needed. Then the display would be something like  
<> Of course RoR would have  
to be running which seems easy enough.


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