[SVN] Re: question about Go To Symbol

Jeroen van der Ham jeroen at je-ju.net
Fri Apr 22 18:36:58 UTC 2005

On 22-04-2005 20:03, Eric Hsu wrote:
> ps. I love the italic teal on the comments.

Thanks :) I spent about the whole afternoon after the beta came out in
trying to find proper colors. I'm pretty happy with the result actually.
I cheated a bit from every other editor installed on my machine (SEE,
Eclipse, vim), but when I looked closely at them all, I realized that
they weren't really doing a proper job.

There are possibilities for lots more colours, but I think these capture
most uses well enough.

> Wouldn't it be great if some talented writer on this list (hello?)
> would start putting some documentation together?  :)

Well, I'm willing to help out. I tried to get the them out as soon as
possible (seeing as the default themes were a bit bare ;)) and I hope the
theme can serve as a benchmark for other bundles to see if you named
everything properly. And of course as basis for other themes.



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