[SVN] Naming convention

Torsten Becker torsten.becker at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 18:19:43 UTC 2005

On 4/22/05, Mats Persson <mats at imediatec.co.uk> wrote:
> 1.       The main themes being: Bright, Dark & Grey.  I think we should
> consider themes along these lines:
> Bright vs Dark
> Low vs Hi Contrast.
> Sharp vs Subtle
> Sunny vs Cloudy ( as in ambient room light )

I am not sure if there should be that much I think the SEE way is
pretty good concerning this: they give you just a Black on White Theme
and a White on Black Theme, I think this is pretty good because it
shoud meat the needs of the average person.  And the others will do
their themes either.

BTW, currently my biggest need is to be able to bind themes to
languages, because I like to see text (and plists and diffs) in black
on white and generic source code in white on black, but both with my
own custom colors.  This is really hard to do currently, so I have to
make my own theme with everything twice, one for the black version and
one for the white and end with long scope names because of my favour
for different languages and if I want other languages also break out
its generic highlighting it is much work to add it everywhere.  I hope
I am not the only person who would like to see this feature and wait
for it in one of the next betas. :)

> strings
> |-> strings.single-quoted
> |-> strings.double-quoted
> |-> strings.regexp

Maybe there should be also strings.backticked because this concept it
implemented also in pretty much languages.

> variables   (alt. =  keywords.variables )
> |-> variables.complex
> |-> variables.global

I think this should stay variables.*, because if you have a rule that
defines a color that catches all keywords this would make them colored
and IMO variables and keywords are really different things and so you
should have a rule for variables separate.

Good work and I agree with the other said things.


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