[SVN] Re: question about Go To Symbol

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Fri Apr 22 17:35:00 UTC 2005

At 7:43 PM +0200 4/21/05, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>Of course it'd be best if all languages used same names for function 
>names, so they'd be reached with a scope of: "declaration.function 
>name" or similar (so we do not need a new setting per language).

Well, I tried to be a good boy and I've changed the Perl bundle to 
identify subroutines as declaration.function. However, turning on 
Basic Settings (which in theory should mark those as 
showInSymbolList) didn't show them. Is it because I had another 
setting in my own Eric Theme that colors declaration.function? I 
assumed the settings would cascade down...

Now that I manually declared showInSymbolList=1 in my own settings 
for declaration.function, the entity popup works great, but it feels 
like it should not have to be that way...

- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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