[SVN] Bundle commit 583

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Sat Apr 16 06:30:44 UTC 2005

On Apr 15, 2005, at 5:34, Brad Miller wrote:

> Since the LaTeX bundle is rather large and complicated and uses or 
> supports a number of different packages I thought it would be good to 
> get a README in place before the next big beta release!  This is just 
> a start and I'm only committing it now so that I can work on it more 
> tomorrow at school.  Please feel free to add anything directly or send 
> email with other topics that would be helpful to include in the doc.

Ah, very good initiative! I also agree that the key bindings (tab 
triggers) should probably be re-evaluated :) And maybe we could also 
remove some of the redundant commands.

Probably we should also put down which key equivalents should work 
across languages (like the current ctrl-shift-V for validation) -- I 
intend to release beta 6 to the members of this list in a few days, 
then I'll initiate a larger repository spring cleaning (where bundle 
stuff is updated to the new features, directory structure is changed to 
allow for more than bundles (i.e. not have these in the root level), 

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