[TxMt] Re: Printing a Backtick from a Ruby Drag Command

Martin Kühl martin.kuehl at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 18:23:24 UTC 2010

On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 20:00, Dru Kepple <dru at summitprojects.com> wrote:
> This would lead me to believe that somehow, in process of writing ruby that gets interpreted as a snippet, the backtick is actually being used as a backtick, not just another string character.  Do I need to escape this somehow?  I've tried this:
> puts "\`"
> Which still produces nothing.
> Any insight is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Is the output of your Drag command interpreted in some additional way,
like as a snippet? I believe snippets expand backticks.

In such a case, you should be fine if you produce a backslash before the
backtick in your output, i.e. something like
    puts "\\`"


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