[TxMt] Re: GetBundles Request: GitHub Link / More info

Hans-Joerg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Thu Jul 24 16:47:48 UTC 2008

On 24 Jul 2008, at 18:22, Thomas Aylott wrote:

> Ditch the OK button though. Make it a normal non-textured window with
> the textview stretched to the very bottom.

> I tried it out with a HUD view instead and it looked pretty good,
> kindof like quickview.
Would this be compatible to Tiger?

> I'd really prefer to be able to access the main window while the more
> info thing is still open though.

Actually I want to display that info within the main window.
But I have to think about whether it's possible to distinguish between  
a single click at a list item to display the bundle's default  
description and a modus to display in the same window the extended info.

One chance is to use the double-click event. Now it's bound to Install  
Bundles. Maybe we can change this?

It's tricky to use a async DIALOG window and I'm glad that I found a  
way to some stuff. The more functionality we want the more I tend to  
put this into a plugin.

> And then either close the more-info window when you select a different
> bundle, or replace the contents of the more-info window with the extra
> info the the new selection. Whichever would technically work.
;) It was my first trial


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