[TxMt] Re: Dynamic snippets?

Cocoa Bob cocoabob at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 10:52:51 UTC 2007

Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient <oblivious at ...> writes:

> You could write some sort of ruby script to parse the text you just entered
and generate the code.
> Or you could write a really complex snippet using multiple instances of the
same variable.

Thanks for your kind reply Thomas,
I do not know Ruby although I know some Python. Do you think I need to invest
time to learn Ruby in order to manipulate TextMate or should I stick to Python?

Anyway, here is a snippet that I came up with. 

// Class: ${1:ClassName}
// Instance Variables: ${2:var1}, ${3:var2}

// $1.h
#import <objc/Object.h>

@interface $1: Object
    int $2;
    int $3;
-(void) set${2/(\w+)/\u$1/}: (int) $2Val;
-(void) set${3/(\w+)/\u$1/}: (int) $3Val;
-(int) $2;
-(int) $3;

// $1.m
#import "$1.h"

@implementation $1;
-(void) set${2/(\w+)/\u$1/}: (int) $2Val
-(void) set${3/(\w+)/\u$1/}: (int) $3Val
-(int) $2
    return $2;
-(int) $3
    return $3;

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