[TxMt] preview in localhost

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Thu Oct 6 10:20:13 UTC 2005

On 6 Oct 2005, at 10:24, salvo wrote:
> sometimes I test anything (like html page and perl scripts) writing  
> directly on Desktop, first to pass them in the correct localhost  
> web site folders, so I've set Apache to handle also $USER/desktop  
> as localhost directory.
> I try to put in bundle editor, html this line:
> open `echo $TM_FILEPATH | sed "s|.*/$USER/Sites/\(.*\)|http:// 
> localhost/~$USER/desktop/\1|"`
> but it doesn't work
> Please, there is a solution?

Salvo, not the most obvious place to look, but have you looked at the  
HTML -> Preview in Safari command ?  In there it says the following:

###    CONFIG OPTION:: Set the TM_PROJECT_SITEURL in your TM Project  
Window Info Button in the following form:
### [ http://your.site.ext/ ]

So if you set your TM_PROJECT_SITEURL variable there, the preview in  
should work through the browser and localhost.

Long time since I created it and actually used it, but should work  
afaik ;)

Kind regards,


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