[TxMt] Re: FTP client (was... [a bunch of threads])

Fred B. fredb7 at starflam.com
Wed Mar 30 23:23:00 UTC 2005

On 30 mars 05, at 19:11, Tom Lazar wrote:
> thanks for clearing that up! does it silently check for 
> '~/.ssh.id_dsa' or is there a way to specify a particular key?

I think Transmit basically uses OpenSSh like the shell.
I never read anything about publickey in Transmit doc., I just had ssh 
to my server working in bash and tried Transmit...Bingo.
Check Transmit's transcript for more details.

> but seriously, it was the first thing I checked, when Transmit3 came 
> out recently - I've obviously missed that option.

You're right it's not obvious at all, but It just works. ;)
Maybe they think it's obvious that an SFTP client uses key pairs, so 
they don't mention it...?

> I'll definitely give Transmit another try now.

Ok ;)

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