[TxMt] Textile Bundle?

Fred B. fredb7 at starflam.com
Thu Mar 17 02:18:15 UTC 2005

On 17 mars 05, at 01:58, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On Mar 16, 2005, at 23:37, Fred B. wrote:
>> Lots of Textile tags are not closed by an end tag but by two 
>> newlines, and I don't think it's possible for now.
> Would this be equivalent to having them closed by a blank line? 
> Ideally this should be doable by setting the end-pattern to “^$”, but 
> because of ignoring zero-width matches, it won't work for 1.1b5 
> though.

In fact, they are closed by a blank line.  Ex: a paragraph starts with 
"p.", continue on multiple lines and end on a blank line.
I tried a lot of things when I made it, then asked you, and you told me 
it won't work until the new syntax engine, so I forgot about it.
I don't write very complex things in Textile anyway and, it's already 
much easier to write with the bundle as it is now.
It's just that a common error in Textile is to forget a newline, and I 
wanted the highlight to help avoid that.
h1. This is a header
p{color:red}. This is still the header, not a paragraph as there is no 
blank line before. The tag won't even be parsed.

But the html preview came in the meantime and it helps a lot...

>> [...] If it's ok for Allan, I'll add them to the repository.
> Certainly!

Ok, i'll check them first and commit them in a couple of days.

>> (BTW, Allan, could you add a way to "remember" a few 'pipe through' 
>> script in the html preview, I'd like to avoid retyping the full path 
>> every time I change the script..)
> I'll add it to the to-do.

Sorry to add something on your to-do. It must already be scary as it 
is. ;)
It's just one of the minor things, I notice every time I use it.
I have a little list of minor things, tell me when your to-do looks a 
bit skinny. ;D


OT: Talking about to-do, I asked the VoodooPad dev, August 'Gus' 
Mueller,  to include TM in the available editors, he answered me:
"It's on my todo list.  Thanks for reporting it though, I'll move it up 
a notch :)"

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