[TxMt] SQL syntax problem with "/"

Paul Nordstrom August paul at archivistes.com
Wed Nov 24 14:09:04 UTC 2004

Alas I'm using "/" as an arithmetical operation in a MySQL statement 
and it renders the rest of the code (until a subsequent "/") as a 
RegExp! I thought it was commenting out until I looked at the bundle:

		{ name = "Comment"; foregroundColor = "#9933CC"; match = 
"^\\s*--.*$"; },
		{ name = "Regular Expression"; begin = "/"; end = "/";  
foregroundColor = "#CCCC33";
			patterns = (
				{ name = "Interpolated String"; match = "#\\{([^\\}]*)\\}"; 
foregroundColor = "#aaaaaa"; },
				{ name = "Escaped slash"; match = "\\\\/"; foregroundColor = 
"#CCCC33"; }

This is a shame b/c I was enjoying the SQL syntax colors... this 
renders them unworkable when using the maths... Is there a way to 
change the RegExp syntax to allow "/" as divisor?


PS to Fred B -- any relation to Agnes? :)
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