[SVN] Release Note Additions

Chris Thomas chris at cjack.com
Thu Aug 10 13:46:20 UTC 2006

On Aug 9, 2006, at 8:35 PM, Michael Sheets wrote:

> We've got this cool new feature that puts bundle commit messages  
> into the main release notes… but we really need to watch how much  
> we use it. Already since the last release we've got seven new items  
> for the next release notes and it's only been five days.
> We should really be limiting the use here to _major_ changes,  
> things like a completely new bundle or a new feature that will be  
> really helpful to a broad set of people. A new snippet or command  
> really shouldn't qualify imho.

Not sure I agree. If the release notes need further filtering, I  
think they should be sorted by bundle, perhaps with some kind of  
folding markers.

• As a user, in general, I'd rather have all changes to the bundles  
that _I personally use_ listed in the release notes -- in  
excruciating detail if possible. That is: I don't want an overview, I  
want the details. But I also don't need to read about the bundles I  
don't use.

• Define 'really helpful to a broad set of people.' :) It's possible  
to read that so narrowly that only HTML bundle features and  
modifications need apply.


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