[SVN] Bundle commit 179

William D. Neumann wneumann at cs.unm.edu
Wed Feb 2 20:50:49 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Chris Thomas wrote:

> Perhaps this would be more clear as: 'elements that are similar across 
> languages should be grouped together into the same subhierarchies'.
> I should put something definitive up on the wiki so we can all bash at it.

I think thot would be best, as this should really be solidified before (or 
at least by the time) the next gen hilighting features ore added.  That 
way all of the bundles can slowly be brought into compliance ahead of 

William D. Neumann


"There's just so many extra children, we could just feed the
children to these tigers.  We don't need them, we're not doing 
anything with them.

Tigers are noble and sleek; children are loud and messy."

         -- Neko Case

  Think of XML as Lisp for COBOL programmers.

 	-- Tony-A (some guy on /.)

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