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<p dir="auto">On 17 Jun 2020, at 9:35, John DeSoi wrote:</p>
<div style="white-space:normal"><blockquote style="border-left:2px solid #777; color:#777; margin:0 0 5px; padding-left:5px"><blockquote style="border-left:2px solid #777; color:#999; margin:0 0 5px; padding-left:5px; border-left-color:#999"><p dir="auto">If I create a language bundle and include a theme, is there a setting to make the language files default to the theme included with the bundle?</p>
</blockquote><p dir="auto">Not a big deal, but would be nice to have. I'm working on a bundle for 4D which comes with an IDE and default syntax coloring. It would be nice to match the default theme to those settings for 4D's source files.</p>
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<p dir="auto">Not currently possible: We do have other types of settings in the bundles, and my experience is that the more we “spread things out” (i.e. place some settings in some bundles), the more headaches we create for users who wants to change the “defaults”.</p>
<p dir="auto">So better to tell users to add two lines to <code style="background-color:#F7F7F7; border-radius:3px; margin:0; padding:0 0.4em" bgcolor="#F7F7F7">~/.tm_properties</code> than change their default theme, if they install the 4D bundle (yes, it would only be for 4D files, but it would “break” the <em>View → Theme</em> submenu for those files).</p>