[TxMt] Re: Find in Folder Globs

Rob McBroom mailinglist0 at skurfer.com
Wed Aug 2 18:00:02 UTC 2017

On 2 Aug 2017, at 12:12, Ronald Wampler wrote:

> No, the default values cannot be changed. But since `OakHistoryList` 
> stores the
> values (per project) in the plist, so it makes sense to me to have it 
> store
> "defaults" values there too such that you can set them via:
> defaults write com.macromates.TextMate "Find in Folder Globs"
> -dict-add default '("*", "*.py", "*.html")'

I believe you can already do that.


I initially asked if I just needed to add the data to the prefs 
manually. It sounds like the answer is “yes”.


Rob McBroom

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