[TxMt] Re: Ruby Bundle unavailable

Matt Neuburg matt at tidbits.com
Tue Sep 13 16:53:15 UTC 2016

This may be premature, but it looks like adding explicit `exit` at the end of my Ruby script may be helping.


> On Sep 13, 2016, at 8:26 AM, Matt Neuburg <matt at tidbits.com> wrote:
> What I'm noticing is a different issue with Ruby. When I run a Ruby script in TextMate 2.0-beta.12.4, it sometimes doesn't stop after the script should come to an end. The Ruby process keeps running behind the scenes, taking over my CPU and causing my fans to blow. I have to restart (with difficulty) to get control of things. It seems like the script runner is not returning properly.
> m.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 11:16 AM, Greg <web at web.knobby.ws> wrote:
>> TextMate version 2.0-beta.12.4. Ruby bundle dated Sep 6, 2016.
>> Very recently Bundle control has gone wacky or maybe the Ruby bundle. I see Ruby in the list in Preferences>Bundles and can select it, but Ruby is not available in at the bottom of the window for selection (afraid I don’t know how to describe that better). And Cmd-R doesn’t work (not surprising since I can’t make it a Ruby file). I’ve been using this regularly, but it could have been a week since tried to use Cmd-R. I’ve been using TextMate daily for Rails and haven’t noticed any problems (Ruby on Rails Bundle is still available).
>> Some combinations of reboot and restart cause Ruby not to be selected in Preferences.
>> I think I’m also seeing problems with Themes, but I don’t know exactly which them I was using, but it definitely wasn’t correct for my Ruby files. I’m using some black background theme in general and did look at different themes a week or two ago. Might be some connection?
>> I’m not up on Bundle management, but poked around
>> ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/                 — no Ruby bundle
>> ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/ — no Ruby bundle
>> ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Ruby/1.8.7/ — Why is this here? Did I do this or is it part of TextMate?
>> I searched for “Ruby.tmbundle” and found nothing.
>> Thanks for any suggestions
>> Greg
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