[TxMt] Re: showing preview of css colors

Fabian Zeindl fabian.zeindl at gmail.com
Tue May 24 12:07:53 UTC 2016

> On 24.05.2016, at 14:00 , Igor K <me at igorkozlov.me> wrote:
> I think you're right. I cant remember what editor I saw which uses this... maybe Atom or Sublime, and also vim with a plugin.
> Probably you're talking about this plugin: https://github.com/abe33/atom-pigments
> AFAIK, there's no way to implement this without modifying TextMate source code.

IntelliJ Idea displays a tiny coloured square in the gutter next to any line (not just CSS) that contains a color-value:

I think TextMate bundles could be made much more powerful by allowing to modify the gutter a bit.

* paint into a rectangle in the gutter (per html?)
* act on click and hover there (including screen coordinates maybe)

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