[TxMt] Re: Code folding questions

Fabian Zeindl fabian.zeindl at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 10:50:06 UTC 2016

> On 22.08.2016, at 11:39 , Allan Odgaard <mailinglist at textmate.org <mailto:mailinglist at textmate.org>> wrote:
> Yes, you can use these. Though since that only affects the command, if you exit_discard then you leave the user with a selection, so it might be better to just output an “unchanged” snippet incase you want to abort.
> TextMate detects when a command’s output matches what’s already in the document (it does prefix/suffix match) so there should be no visible flash when replacing content with what’s already there

That is the weird thing: My command (running from the Macro):

#!/usr/bin/env ruby18 -wKU			 
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/escape.rb"
block = STDIN.read			
if block =~ /^\{ [^\s]/			
    print e_sn("{\n#{block[2..-3]}\n}") 
    print e_sn(block)			

1. When I replace selected Text, or use "snippet" I get no indentation:

function() {			
    const x = {	number: 33 } 	


function() {	
    const x = {	
number: 33	

2. When I output with insertAsSnippet, I get almost correction indentation 

function() {			
    const x = {	number: 33 } 	


function() {	
    const x = {	
    number: 33	

3. When I output with insertAsSnippet, but just print the block again without changes, I get more indentation than I need…

function() {	
    const x = {	
    number: 33	


function() {		
    const x = {		
            number: 33	

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