[TxMt] Re: Possible to change tab title by changing environment variable?

M. zanglebert at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 17:20:22 UTC 2016

> This cannot currently be changed.
> Can you tell me what you would like to change it to?

I often a) have a lot of files open that are relevant for some project
(source files, plus several plain text "notes" files), and b) several
of them have long file names.

The long file name tabs take away a lot of tab bar space; as a
workaround, I try to rename them to something shorter, if possible, or
I close/reopen them. It's not my ideal workflow though, where I just
cycle through the open tabs, and the names can be as long they need to

Ideally, I'd *cut down* the file name via some regex, say, stripping
the file ending, and generally, only displaying the last n characters
of the name, so that all tabs would have the same width (and I can
have more of them open without the tab bar overflowing).

I know... bit of a minor/OCD-ish problem, but that would be my ideal
scenario --  it would be similar to what I can already do with the
window title.

> You _can_ give documents a custom display name, but currently only
> via `mate` when they are opened, but this display name is used beyond
> just the tab titles, I assume you want to keep the original display name
> in other locations.

I wouldn't mind it, since I'm more interested in *shortening* the tab
title than I am in displaying permanently the full title (which I can
always get it via tab mouse over).

But to be sure: does the 'mate' solution work together with "open
(recent, favorite) project" at TM startup? Because that's what I do it
now, having set "showFavoritesInsteadOfUntitled" to true (and actually
using a bit of a hack to "bookmark" different projects, consisting of
files across various directories, by abusing that the relevant
information seems to be stored in "RecentProjects.db").

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