[TxMt] Re: Reset zoom

Allan Odgaard mailinglist at textmate.org
Mon Oct 19 10:38:27 UTC 2015

On 19 Oct 2015, at 15:36, Christian Rosentreter wrote:

>> For those that do use “Last Tab”, can ⌘9 work as its shortcut?
> Does "Last Tab" mean the "Previously Activated Tab" (so one could 
> quickly switch between two tabs/ files… which sounds somewhat 
> useful)

That can be achieved with ⌘T + ↩ since the Go to File… dialog has 
the files LRU sorted.

> or does it mean "The Last Tab in the Tab Bar" (which sounds rather 
> pointless, IMHO)? :)

I assume some users place their TODO.txt or similiar as the last tab, 
and since visually counting the tabs and hitting the corresponding key 
is unlikely effective when we go above 5, knowing that ⌘9 is always 
the last visible tab might be more useful.

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