[TxMt] Re: latex bundle - folding sections/subsections

René Schwaiger sanssecours at f-m.fm
Sun Mar 29 17:53:19 UTC 2015

Hi Christian,

> On 29 Mar 2015, at 18:46 , chrd <chrd at posteo.de> wrote:
> hello rené,
> thank you for taking care of this!! your quick response is most appreciated. maybe, a short follow-up question/comment. I dont have much of an IT background, so my questions might be naïve. 
> anyhow: A commit is basically a change that will be "taken over" into my LaTeX bundle with some kind of update that runs in the background?

more or less. In the context of a version control systems [1] a “commit” is basically a set of (file) changes.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revision_control

The LaTeX bundle on GitHub is a more up to date version of the one you installed inside Preferences. The update of bundles is done semi- automatically. Before an automatic update of a bundle can take place, either Michael (Sheets) — the bundle maintainer — or Allan (Odgaard) — the main author of TextMate — runs a script that deploys the newest changes onto the server. After that your copy of the bundle should automatically update sometimes in the next 24 hours.

> It dont know how to trigger that update manually.

You can manually update the bundle using the following steps. I would advise against that tough. 

1. Uninstall the bundle inside “Preferences”
2. Open Terminal
3. Clone the bundle into the folder `~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/`:

   cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/
   git clone https://github.com/textmate/latex.tmbundle.git

> cheers,
> christian

Kind regards,

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