[TxMt] Re: Select Bundle Item… hangs

Rob McBroom mailinglist0 at skurfer.com
Thu Jul 16 19:13:17 UTC 2015

On 16 Jul 2015, at 10:28, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> Thanks, the issue is with the LDAP/LDIF submenu.
> Here there is an item with UUID 656CF73E-AB84-4D9F-82F1-DAB847ABB52D 
> which is the UUID of the bundle itself, so that submenu causes the 
> loop.
> I’ll add a check for this in next build (loops in the bundle menu 
> structure).

Thanks. I generated a new UUID and fixed it by hand. ⌃⌘T works as 
expected now.

For what it’s worth, that’s one of the more recent snippets I have 
(created March 20) and I don’t recall doing anything unusual. I 
created three others that same day, no doubt following the same steps, 
and they all turned out fine.

Rob McBroom

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