[TxMt] Re: subversion.tmbundle and yosemite

Umberto De Giovannini umberto.degiovannini at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 14:55:48 UTC 2015

never mind. I have fixed the problem. 
it was due a dirty hack I have made long time ago when the first version of ruby18 was messing up my setup. at that time (years ago and probably on mountain lion) ruby 1.8 was include to I just had a link to it in /usr/bin/ruby18.

on a different note..
the subversion bundle does not care about that $TM_SVN_DIFF_CMD variable. 
On mountain lion (I have directly skipped to yosemite recently) I have been using kidiff, the diff-tool bundled with kaleidoscope, to visualize svn diff. I have been using it by setting the default diff command to "diff-cmd = ksdiff” in the .subversion/config file but is no longer working since the upgrade to yosemite. 
any idea for a fix? 
alternatively I could try to look into is if someone could provide me with some basic info on how to debug the variable definitions in the bundles. 
thank you!

On 28 April, 2015 at 16:31:52 , Allan Odgaard (mailinglist at textmate.org) wrote:
On 25 Apr 2015, at 2:03, Umberto De Giovannini wrote:

> […] A typical error that I get is something like, e.g. for svn  
> status:
> /Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in  
> `require': /Users/umbe/Library/Application  
> Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle  
> Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/lib/shelltokenize.rb:74: invalid  
> multibyte escape: /[^\w_\-\+=\/\x7F-\xFF]/
> [...]

Please quote the full stack trace and also what action triggered the  

> For what I understand each bundle should run ruby thought the ruby18  
> script which should install the the 1.8 version int he bundle support  
> if it can’t find ii installed on the system.


> I have reset the textmate 2 prefereces chance and variables in the  
> hope to stimulate ruby18 to do its job but with no success. 

The thing to reset is the TextMate and Avian folders under Application  
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