[TxMt] Re: Where do I update the definition of a word?

Allan Odgaard mailinglist at textmate.org
Tue Sep 2 20:23:49 UTC 2014

On 2 Sep 2014, at 13:38, Justin Catterall wrote:

>> Also, how do I install perl documentation? For me, perldoc reports 
>> “no documentation” for my tests (though the command suppresses 
>> that, so it’s effectively a no-op, another thing that I’d like to 
>> get fixed).
> Documentation should be installed automatically with each module.
> I would do some testing but I don't know where 
> "word=${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:-$TM_CURRENT_WORD}" is to test your quick 
> fix.

I pushed an updated documentation¹ command with these improvements:

- If caret is on a module e.g. Pod::Html, then the entire module (with 
namespace) will be looked up.
- If no word is under caret, an input dialog is shown.
- If no documentation is found, a tool tip is shown.

Your perl bundle should automatically update within the next few hours.

For future reference, you can use Bundles → Select Bundle Item… 
(⌃⌘T) and do key equivalent search (⌘2) for ⌃H and you’ll find 
the command responsible for documentation lookup. From this dialog you 
can click “edit” (or option return) to view (and edit) the source of 
the command.


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