[TxMt] Re: a bug in the Markdown bundle

Matt Neuburg matt at tidbits.com
Sun Feb 16 03:01:50 UTC 2014

Here's my contribution to the Battle of the Screen Shots:


Notice that I'm showing invisibles (line feeds). That turns out to be crucial to this example. The number of spaces _in the blank lines_ is what makes the difference here. You can go from my results to Gildas' results by taking out the spaces in Line 4.

Since it is possible to get the right answer by playing with spaces in the blank lines, I retract my bug report. As I said before, this is incoherent to start with. I thought it wasn't possible to make the Markdown bundle display (through scopes) the right answer _at all_, but I'm wrong. Fun, eh? m.

On Feb 15, 2014, at 6:42 PM, Allan Odgaard <mailinglist at textmate.org> wrote:

> On 16 Feb 2014, at 2:21, Matt Neuburg wrote:
>> Make a Markdown document like this […] The Markdown bundle marks "Three" as markup.raw.block. This is wrong.
> TextMate follows the specification from http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#list
> This states “Each subsequent paragraph in a list item must be indented by either 4 spaces or one tab”.
> If you run your document through babelmark you will see your document interpreted in five different ways:
>    http://johnmacfarlane.net/babelmark2/?normalize=1&text=*+One%0A++%0A++*+Two%0A++%0A++++++Three%0A
>> […] Granted, nested lists in Markdown are annoying and incoherent
> Indeed, though if you follow the specification quoted above, you should get consistent results accross markdown implementations. I actually consider it sort of a feature that TextMate’s highlight is a little fragile, as I’ve previously had cases where I did offline Markdown which looked fine, but later broke using e.g. PHP Markdown (online) or when I switched from Markdown.pl to multimarkdown (in these cases, because I didn’t consistently indent with four spaces / one tab).

matt neuburg, phd = matt at tidbits.com, http://www.apeth.net/matt/
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