[TxMt] ™_dialog2 problem

Devon Weller wellerco at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 18:49:13 UTC 2012


I'm experiencing a problem with bundles that use tm_dialog2.  It appears that the dialog is failing in my install of TextMate (Version 1.5.10 (1631)).

When I run tm_dialog2 on the command line, I get "error reaching server".  Like this:

> $ /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/PlugIns/Dialog2.tmplugin/Contents/Resources/tm_dialog2 
> error reaching server

Should that be the case?

More specifically, I am trying to use the "Documentation for Word..." function that is part of the standard PHP bundle.  It appears to be failing at line 149 of this file:


Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions to get the tm_dialog2 binary working again?

- Devon

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