[TxMt] R64 and parentheses

Neuwirth Erich erich.neuwirth at univie.ac.at
Wed Nov 23 23:47:37 UTC 2011

To develop R code I am using the R bundle.
Since some time now we have a 64bit version of R, and the name to the app is R64.
So I replaced 
tell application "R"
tell application "R64"
in appropriate places.

There is a serious problem remaining
When i insert a paren open, textmate stalls for quite some time.

The reason seems to be in the macro
Show Function Usage + Insert "("
which has the 


with the code

    beforeRunningCommand = nop;
    command = "\"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT\"/bin/auto_show_func_usage.sh";
    fallbackInput = line;
    input = document;
    name = "Auto Show Func Usage";
    output = showAsTooltip;
    uuid = "9AACF8E0-2705-4994-B67F-77D030F9ABA7";

My guess is that the script
still calls the 32bit version of R (named "R") instead of R64.
U cannot find the sh script on my machine.
Where do I need to look for it.

As you see, I am not an experiences Textmate programmer, just a normally very happy user.

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