[TxMt] tracing a message to source.

trout swim gray3246t at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 02:44:28 UTC 2011

tracing a message to source.

the message in question is:

Type your password to allow TextMate to make changes.

the heart of the message is as i would see it is:

(((((((   to allow  ))))))))))) (((((( TextMate ))))))) (((((((  make
changes )))))))))

i do apologize for the excess use of parentheses to emphasize.

i have been dealing with this situation for a while now. in a few forums.

any way , the words the code developer used to convey a message are:

" to allow TextMate to make changes "

what is text mate changing ???

it would be nice to know.

this situation revolves around the action of placing a textMate file in
XAMPP htdocs.

I could chase answers over here and chase answers over there. etc.

but what would be really cool is if the code developer could stimulate some
reference to a file or a process or some other lead.

are there any command line utilities that could show the last known file
that executed action to the screen.

Thank you.
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