[TxMt] latex master paths

chip brock brock at pa.msu.edu
Wed May 18 21:03:17 UTC 2011


Switching over to Textmate for Latex projects. I realize that I don't understand setting the master file (which does all of the \include's). 

I have an issue of trying to use more than one computer to work on a single latex project. I use dropbox to keep computers sync'd. 

Let's suppose I have an identical directory structure, down from the home area:

/User/homeareafirstcomputer/dir1/dir2/  ---> where all of the .tex files are, including master.tex

and on the second:

/User/homeareasecondcomputer/dir1/dir2/  ---> where all of the .tex files are, including master.tex

If I identify master.tex in one computer with the shell definition TM_LATEX_MASTER of  either:

1. ~/dir1/dir2/master.tex


2. master.tex 

Then secondcomputer cannot find the master.tex. 

If I identify the variable TM_LATEX_MASTER as

1. /User/homeareafirstcomputer/dir1/dir2/master.tex

then, of course secondcomputer looks for it in that absolute path and can't find it.

If I show info on the master file in the project file drawers, it insists on checking the Save as absolute path box. 

How can I use this feature for a project that's shared among computers? I'm surely missing something simple...


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