[TxMt] Re: Select line shortcut broken

Steve King sking at arbor.net
Wed Jan 12 20:20:45 UTC 2011

On 2011-01-12 14:11, Chris Fonnesbeck wrote:
> I seem to have lost the super-useful select line shortcut (shift-cmd-L). I notice that the shortcut does not appear alongside the menu item for select line either. Any idea why this has happened, and more importantly, how to restore it?

My first guess is that a bundle item got assigned to that key sequence. 
You can check that by going to Bundles -> Select Bundle Item. In the 
search box select "Key Equivalent" and enter ⇧⌘L. See if anything has 
been assigned to that key. If so, you can simply delete that assignment.

I kind of doubt it's a bundle item, though. Making a bundle key 
assignment doesn't remove the shortcut from the menu. I think it's more 
likely that there's a global shortcut defined in System Preferences. 
Open System Preferences, Keyboard, and select Keyboard Shortcuts. See if 
anything is claiming that keystroke. Especially look in the user-defined 
shortcuts section under Application Shortcuts.

Steve King
Sr. Software Engineer
Arbor Networks
+1 734 821 1461
www.arbornetworks.com <http://www.arbornetworks.com/>

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