[TxMt] Re: [TM2] Opening several folders within the same TM window from the command line

Emmanuel Blot eblot.ml at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 16:07:25 UTC 2011

Hi Allan,

> I am unsure how having multiple folders in the file browser solves this. I tend to use ⌘E followed by ⇧⌘F + ↩ to find functions. My convention is to always declare functions with a space after the name, and invoke functions without such space, making it real easy to find one or the other type via search — a tip here for ⇧⌘F is that you can hit ⌘1-n for the n’th result.

Maybe a quick example could give you a better idea of what I'm referring to.

A typical project I work with looks like the following:


I get use to launch TM1 this way:
   mate sdk*/subdirA/comp1*

to edit both the component and its unit test at once, easily
navigating from the component to the unit test, etc. Using this kind
of partial subtrees was really efficient to only work with symbols for
a given component. Let's say I wanted to find all occurences of a
common function such as "fprintf" for example, I would be sure to find
the occurences only in my component and tied unit test, fully ignoring
any other components or unit tests not related to my work.

Editing from the root directory (the parent of sdk and sdktests) would
have included thousand of files, making any search a nightmare,
filtering out all but two subdirectories for a given work.

This example is about a component and its unit tests, but I also need
to work on a complete stack, which include a couple of libraries,
drivers, and application, out of a large directory tree. What I'm
seeking is a way to work with a subset of an existing, large tree of
source files.

This does not seem possible with TM2 anymore, so I'm looking for any
other way to restrict the edition to those 2 directories, ignoring all
other ones for a editing session.

I'm not sure how to do that with TM2.


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