[TxMt] Re: Indented soft-wrap

Steve King sking at arbor.net
Fri Dec 16 15:15:21 UTC 2011

On 2011-12-16 00:12, Trevor Harmon wrote:
> In other words, is there a way to tell TextMate that I want indented soft wrap *everywhere*? Thanks,

Similarly, is there a way to tell it I want soft wrap *nowhere*?  
Soft-wrapped comments are a neat trick, but they're not something I'd 
generally want.  For example, I have some C files with wide tables in 
the comments.  These should *not* be wrapped. If the scope overrides the 
document setting, how can I then override the scope and tell TM2 that 
really, don't wrap, I mean it?

Steve King
Sr. Software Engineer
Arbor Networks
+1 734 821 1461
www.arbornetworks.com <http://www.arbornetworks.com/>

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