[TxMt] Re: pdfsync problem in multiple input files

Xuehai Qian xuehaiq at gmail.com
Fri May 21 04:25:10 UTC 2010

> By the way, I checked the code in texMate.py, the related part is:
>    if viewer == 'Skim' and vp:
>        syncPath = vp + '/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline ' +  
> os.getenv('TM_LINE_NUMBER') + ' ' + pdfFile + ' ' +  
> shell_quote(os.getenv('TM_FILEPATH'))
> I think there are some problem with the last item:  
> shell_quote(os.getenv('TM_FILEPATH'))
> This one should be the one I select the text or currently view, not  
> the master file. I guess textmate always past master file name to  
> this part. I hope anyone can tell me a fix.
> I tested the "displayline" in skim manually, and it works just fine.
> I used:
> /Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline 50  
> "co.pdf" "prim.tex"
> And I can see the correct line in co.pdf, although the tex file is  
> not of the same name (but it is one of the included files in co.tex).
> Xuehai
> On May 20, 2010, at 9:55 PM, Xuehai Qian wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>>   I am pretty new in textmate, but I found it is great software and  
>> I use it everyday now. One problem with me is the pdfsync, I  
>> currently use skim as the pdf viewer, and from skim, I can find the  
>> point in tex file by shift+cmd+click, but from tex file I have some  
>> problem: my paper includes multiple files, I think I can only find  
>> the place in skim by (control+option+cmd+o) in the master file  
>> (which includes the titles of different sections), for example, I  
>> put the mouse in one of the title, and I can be directed to the  
>> right place in pdf viewer(skim), but if I go to one of the input  
>> files, and select a place, nothing happens, or it produces the  
>> wrong pdf file by the input file, and it doesn't make sense.
>>  Anyone can tell me how to point to a place in tex file (not master  
>> file but one of the input files) and find the place in pdf file?  
>> Thanks!
>> Xuehai

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