[TxMt] LaTeX Setup: Problems switching from TexShop to Textmate.

Robi Ragan robi.ragan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 21:12:39 UTC 2010

I am switching from using TextMate for all of my programing tasks. The
last (and incredibly frustrating) hang-up I am having is getting it to
compile my LaTeX documents. Whenever I add the command
\includegraphics{filename.pdf} to a file it chokes even thought if I
open the same LaTeX document with TeXShop it compiles perfectly. The
output I get even when I am using verbose is not very helpful, even
though I have been using LaTeX for 7 years or so.

I compile in TexShop with the Latex command and it appears from the
log that it is accessing the "/usr/local/texlive/2009" directory.
Further TeXShop is set with the following settings (I have also
attached a screencap of these settings:

Path settings

    (pdf)TeX (default: /usr/texbin)

    Distiller (ghostscript) (default: /usr/local/bin)


    Tex (default: pdftex)
    pdftex --shell-escape

    Latex (default: pdflatex)
    pdflatex --shell-escape

TeX + dvips + distiller

    Tex (default: simpdftex tex)
    simpdftex tex --maxpfb

    Latex (default: simpdftex latex)
    simpdftex latex --maxpfb

I am guessing that Textmate must be calling a different version of
latex that does not like to be fed .pdf files.

The PATH that Textmate recovered the first time I tried to compile a
LaTeX document is:


Is there a way I can set Textmate to use the same engine that TexShop is using?


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