[TxMt] Re: How to keep bundles updated

Martin Kühl martin.kuehl at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 11:45:26 UTC 2010

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 13:31, Carsten Hoever <hoever at gmx.de> wrote:
> with more and more of the bundles moving from SVN to GIT, I was
> wondering what would be the most convenient way to keep your bundles
> updated? I used to to have an SVN checkout of TM's bundles and to
> update I could simply do a 'svn update all' in the command line and
> all bundles were updated.
> Is there a simple way to this with GIT as well? With the GetBundles
> bundle it only seems to be possible to do the update by individually
> looking at each installed bundle for an updated version and then
> installing this. Or am I missing something here?

GetBundles has a “Install all Updates” action in the gear menu, shortcut
⌘U. Alternatively, you could use a repository manager like mr[1] to
install and update your bundles.


[1] http://kitenet.net/~joey/code/mr/

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