[TxMt] Re: Ruby 1.9 and LaTeXtra

Alex Ross tm-alex at rosiba.com
Tue Sep 22 20:04:21 UTC 2009

Hi Alain,

> I would like to use ruby 1.9 under Snow 10.6
> 1) How to install Ruby 1.9  :
> Side by side with 1.8.7  or remove 1.8.7  ?
>  What is the best solution ?

I'm sorry but I don't know anything about Ruby 1.9.  I haven't  
installed it, and I'm not sure if it is compatible with Executor (the  
ruby lib that powers LaTeXtra).

> I will continue to compile LaTeX with TextMate
> 2) I'm interesting by the code of the command "Typset & View in Skim"
> of the bundle LaTeXtra and also by the command "Preview Tikz Picture"
> I would like to know the important points in these codes, perhaps
>  if it's possible to read some comments about the code

The best place to look for documentation of Executor (which powers  
both of those commands) is here: http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Support/lib/tm/executor.rb

So, I've deprecated the LaTeXtra bundle and am now in the process of  
merging that code into the LaTeX bundle. You can try the WIP bundle  
here: http://github.com/alexross/latex.tmbundle.  This should be  
installed _along side_ the regular latex bundle and will show up as  
LaTeX2 in the bundle editor.  There are some sort of experimental  
macros/snippets in there that you may not like, just delete them if  
that is the case.  I have very short description at the above link,  
but feel free to ask anything.

I also have gotten rid of the “Preview TikZ picture” command  
because I have stumbled on a better method.  What you should do is  
keep your tikz pictures in their own files.  The bundle includes a  
“default format” which will be used when you compile a document  
that does not have a preamble.  You may also specify a custom format  
if you have specially defined macros (or tikz styles) and point to it  
with TM_LATEX_DEFAULT_FORMAT.  I've been meaning to do a screencast  
showing off all these features/workflows but of course I'm always  
busy :/


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