[TxMt] Re: How to do basic things with files and project drawer

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Tue Sep 15 15:03:43 UTC 2009

On 15.09.2009, at 15:59, Fabio wrote:
>>> 1. New Project
>>> [...]
>>> The question: is there any way to have the paths set from my "root"
>>> element?
>>> For example if I drag an image that is placed into /myroot/img/ the
>>> html file that gets it uses a src link like "../../img/image.gif".  
>>> Is
>>> it possible to have "/img/image.gif" instead?
> [...] By using the "absolute relative path" like "/img/image.gif"  
> the image
> will always work even if you move the file into a directory like:
> test/small_files/long/path/myhtml_file.html
> or
> /short_path/myhtml_file.html

OK, then you can duplicate the HTML bundle drag command "Insert Image  
With Dimension" and rewrite it to your need. (Please have a look at  
manual chapter 11 'Drag Commands')

>>> 2. Project Drawer and new files in project
>>> How can I create a new file or duplicate an existing one?
>> If you did select the file in question simply press ??S (Save As)
>> to duplicate it.
> That is what I usually do, but with the problem that Project Drawer is
> not correctly updated: the old file disappears from PD tree.
> I have to restart TM to see it again. It is always there anyway, it
> seems to be only a display problem of TM project drawer.
Yes, this is known issue, but there's no need to restart TM. Simply  
activate any other app like the Finder and re-activate TM. This can be  
done automatically via AppleScript eg; or one could write a command  
which duplicates the selected file, set the focus to Finder, set focus  
to TM.

>>> 3. While I editing CSS or HTML files, sometimes I need the color
>>> chooser, the default keys CTRL + SHIFT + C do not open it. That keys
>>> seems to be used by the default Math bundle. Is the solution to
>>> manually change such keys in Math bundle? Why TM provides such
>>> overlapping keys?
> [...]
> correct, but when I have an open file like could be "test.css" and CSS
> language is associated to such file, if I am creating a rule and I hit
> [ CTRL + SHIFT + C ] why it does not open color picker but Math bundle
> instead?

NOT: CTRL + SHIFT + C! Please use SHIFT+APPLE+C instead.
As I said TM doesn't listen to CTRL + SHIFT + C.

>> 4. A little "bug" with file tabs
>> In addition ^?R will select the current doc in the drawer.
> [...]
> that is ok, but is always a patch to the wrong (in my opinion)
> behaviour of TM with not visible tabs.

By myself I seldom click on a tab to select a file. Instead I'm using  
the short-cut APPLE+1..9 for selecting one of the nine tabs (have a  
look at Main Menu > Navigation > Go to Tab) and the title bar tells me  
the current file name I'm working on.
And more often I'm using APPLE+T "Go to file".

>>> And I don't understand where TM places the new file if no
>>> directory is selected.
>> If you press ??N (New File) you will see a dialog with a field
>> called ?Location?. This will be the place you're looking for.
> correct, but like before Project Drawer tree seems buggy:
> If I create a new file with SHIFT + CMD + N, and I set location to "/
> models" and file name to "test.html", sometimes I see the new file
> placed at the end of the list at the same level of the project root.
> Sometimes I will see the file twice: once inside "models" directory
> and also at the end of the list, out of models directory.
Hmm, never did that before - by  myself I select the folder before I  
create a new file - but I could reproduce it. I got a "ghost file" of  
the same name if I chose an other folder. weird.



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